Peter Ferrari

My step daughter and her father have both been diagnosed with Myotonic Dystrophy during their adult lives. Since 2012, my wife Pauline and I have been providing detailed and practical support to them both. Prior to my becoming a Director, we were very grateful for the wide-ranging support received from MDSG, and we set up the local group in Wakefield.

After 40 years with NatWest Bank/RBS, I retired at the end of 2015. For most of my career I focused on managing client relationships, and I believe that many of the skills acquired over this period are of value to MDSG. These include the ability to listen, to analyse complex issues and financial accounts, and to solve problems.

In the past I have held other voluntary roles; I was a Director of Counsel and Care for the Elderly for 10 years, and held the post of Honorary Auditor for a financial industry discussion forum for over 12 years.

My charitable interests are now focused solely on MDSG. I believe that my background as an ‘old fashioned bank manager’ offers a different perspective, and allows me to contribute in some key areas such as;

-Raising awareness of Myotonic Dystrophy
-Supporting efforts into the research programme
-Bringing commercial/banking skills to assist with the day to day running of MDSG.


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What is DM?

Myotonic Dystrophy is a condition affecting 1 in 8000 adults

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MDSG can help

Offering friendship and support to all those affected

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